2021 Honorees

Tabea Oppliger


“If you have the passion to win the right team to put your dream into reality, you can do anything!”

Tell us about where you work and what you do there.

I am the Co-founder of KitePride, a social business employing victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution. We started by simply being an answer to their cry, “We don’t need pity, we need jobs!” So we create sustainable jobs and reintegrate them into society.

How would you describe yourself?

I am passionate about all things justice and go a long way to fight for one human being, empowering them to live a life that honors and values them. Mermaid is my middle name and I spend as much time in and on the water as I can.

What is your leadership style?

I see myself as a mother: a mother brings out the best in her children and wants the best for them, even if it’s sometimes not the easiest journey. There’s discipline along the way but a whole lot of unconditional love and nurturing.

What do you think has been your biggest professional success so far?

Planning a huge fundraising event, running in high heels for our cause of fighting human trafficking. I was absolutely unqualified, but realized then and there, if you have the passion and ability to win the right team over to help you put your dream into reality, you can do anything!

Pattern art Pattern art

What goals do you have for 2021?

We want to rehabilitate more people and see them empowered and moving on into their next dream job!

What do you think is the next big trend in eCommerce?

I honestly don’t know, but I believe that sustainability is becoming more and more important.

Name an eCommerce brand you admire and why.

The B.O.D. — two passionate sisters fighting fast fashion and creating the most comfortable jumpsuits for every occasion.

What do you geek out over?

Wind and waves!