Tell us about where you work and what you do there.
I’m one of the co-founders of Recoop, a women-founded wellness company focused on reuniting productivity and wellbeing for people who take stimulants. I am primarily responsible for generating revenue along with the marketing, creative, and strategy behind it.
How would you describe yourself?
I’m a certified geek, seven days a week. I’m a huge mental health advocate and sleep aficionado. I’m a proud Filipino immigrant and am one of nine children so I’m extremely family-oriented and competitive. I love fashion and any excuse to dress up, especially when there’s food involved.
What is your leadership style?
I’m an ENTJ and love collaboration. I feel the best way for people to grow is if they’re given the opportunity to challenge themselves, so I try to create a work environment that encourages curiosity and accepts failures as lessons. I believe in leaning into vulnerability, whether it be from a place of relinquishing control or having uncomfortable, but necessary, conversations.
What do you think has been your biggest professional success so far?
I’m really torn by this question because there are two experiences that are the most meaningful to me. I’m really proud of the work I did with Gravity Blankets the past 3+ years, launching the company and turning it into an 8-figure business the first year, but I’m also proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish at Recoop as an incredibly lean team. Seeing the company grow from packing envelopes and writing notes in the living room of my tiny NY apartment to becoming a high-growth, bootstrapped start-up servicing tens of thousands of people is a huge personal accomplishment for me.
What goals do you have for 2021?
We’re working on a really innovative sales channel for Recoop right now that I think is going to pave the way for other supplement brands. I also recently launched a cozy, sexy, cool luxury body pillow company called Yana Sleep that I’m looking forward to scaling.
What do you think is the next big trend in eCommerce?
With so many people being home, I think AR is going to play a bigger role in how people shop. I’ve been following how brands have been integrating AR into their shopping experiences for years now and I am here for it!
Name an eCommerce brand you admire and why.
I’m a huge fan of Brandon Blackwood. He not only creates beautiful high-quality handbags at an affordable price, but also with purpose by incorporating designs that fight against systemic oppression. His success this past year has been well-deserved and I can’t wait to see what else he has in store for us.
What do you geek out over?
Plants, aliens, sleep hacks, consumer trends, and pretty much anything related to marketing, especially paid acquisition.