Tell us about your company and role.
My name is Gwen Beloti, I am the founder of Gwen Beloti Collection, a women’s gold jewelry company. I fell in love with accessorizing at a young age, and have collected and revered jewelry for as long as I can remember. It was my go-to when shopping for apparel wasn’t as fun due to fit issues with my weight often fluctuating. As a result of my struggles with clothing, I fell madly in love with jewelry.
Starting my jewelry line was one of the best decisions that I’ve made. I get to serve women who are looking for what I was, quality and stylish jewelry for everyday wear that is accessible and inclusive. In 2019 I launched our first complete Gwen Beloti jewelry collection. Today we carry an assortment of golden jewels that are the perfect balance of minimalism and subtle statement. Our styles are offered in a range of sizes and lengths. Taking into account my personal issues with fit, it’s important for me to be size inclusive and to celebrate all golden beauties.
I aim to not just make a beautiful product but to build community both in and outside of the brand. I want our customer to feel like we are invested in who she is beyond the jewelry that she buys.
What qualities do you think a successful founder needs to have?
Communication and honesty are vital. I truly think these two things alone can shift a company’s culture tremendously. An open line of communication conveys to the community, regardless of what the issue is, that we can discuss issues and work together to resolve them. Being brave enough to have honest conversations enables others to let their guard down and begin to build trust.
Also resilience, with business there are LOTS of ups and downs. If I truly believe I’m following my calling as a founder, I have to know that in order to see the other side (the upside) I have to keep going, despite the myriad of challenges that will present themselves.
How would you describe yourself?
I am a fashion lover, I am organized, I’m obsessed with decor. I “feel” a lot and am pretty empathetic to others’ feelings. I try to always be really grateful and as I get older, to look at the glass more full than empty.
What has been your biggest professional success so far?
Being carried by Saks. Saks Fifth Avenue has been on my vision board for some time now. To now have my brand carried by and associated with a renowned luxury retailer such as Saks Fifth Avenue is truly a dream.
What causes are you most passionate about?
Celebrating women. I get to do that in a fun way by designing jewelry that makes women feel pretty, confident, secure, etc. But I also get to do that by celebrating their accomplishments and empowering them. Every year we invite the community to nominate amazing teachers to be gifted gold jewelry from us through our Gift an Educator Project. A small token of appreciation for the amazing work that they do. We also support non-profit organization Little Dresses for Africa which provides relief to children and little girls throughout villages across the continent.
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing eCommerce brands?
Today I would say standing out. The digital space is really crowded and I feel we have to constantly come up with creative ways to stand out and set ourselves apart.
What's your favorite loyalty program or subscription offering from an eCommerce brand?
Hmm, I don’t subscribe to many. I do get water delivered to me every other week. There’s this alkaline water that I love, the best tasting water that I’ve ever drank.
What do you geek out over?
I love to cook. March 2023 makes three years vegan. I had to learn how to be creative and fun with food. I love the dining experience and curating “pretty” meals. I think cooking is such an art form just like jewelry making and designing.